Monday, June 27, 2011

The Mastermind

   In my last post I talked about how Satan and God were at odds with each other and how both of them are trying to capture the loyalty of mankind in their own ways. From reading the Bible, we can see that God has gone to great lengths to get people to follow him, namely with the Israelites. Reading the first 5 books of the Bible will show you some incredible and almost unbelievable things God has done in his attempt to gain the loyalty of his chosen people.
    So what about Satan? What is he doing on his end? Surely his task can be no easier then God’s. There must be something he is doing in his own attempt to gain control over humanity. It is true, that Satan has a very difficult task to perform. He must rival God after all. So how is he carrying out his work?
    First of all, Satan is incredibly smart. He is The Mastermind and the best one there is. I have to laugh when I hear people say  “Satan is tempting me!” or “I must depend on God to defeat Satan!” . I’m sorry folks, Satan has WAY bigger fish to fry then likes of me or anyone that might be reading this. He is quite possibly the second most powerful being in existence. The mere thought of Satan standing behind you and whispering tempting thoughts into your ear should send dire chills down anyone’s back. Satan is not tempting you and probably never has and never will. He has his minions to handle that if need be.
   Like any Mastermind, Satan goes to very great lengths to keep his activities secret. If you read the Bible you will see that he is very rarely mentioned. A Mastermind works under cover, he manipulates people of influence, confuses others while convincing other people to do certain things. All this is done in the name of his grand master scheme and also while keeping a very non-threatening outward appearance. This is exactly what Satan is doing to influential people in the world. Satan wants power and he will influence and deceive people that have power.  
     Governments, Money, Militaries, Religions are all institutions that have power over people. Most people answer to at least one of these. This is where Satan will go in his effort to control the world. If he controls the masters of one of these institutions, then he controls all who follow along. For example if Satan can influence the King of a nation, then he can control all who follow the King. Same thing applies with our President and also with prominent religious leaders.  
   In Satan’s free time, he is out looking to utterly consume and destroy the people that do not have God’s protection. The last thing Satan will ever do, is go to you and tempt you to sin. He has much more important things to do then dabble with the likes of us. It would simply be a waste of time for him.


Thanks Leanne. I found it pretty interesting how little Satan is mentioned in the Bible, being as significant as he is.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I like your take on it that if you're being tempted it's his minions he's set to do it.

    I want to get into my Bible more cuz these kind of things are starting to make me very curious...keep up the posting!
