Thursday, June 16, 2011


    Well here I am, its Summer break from college. It's only been 4 days since classes ended, and I'm bored already. The time between classes always seems to give me a feeling of "Limbo". It's the sense that time is passing and nothing is being accomplished. It's a terrible place to be when you are trying to reach a goal. Some people may think that doing nothing is awesome, and secretly, I think it is kinda awesome. However, it gets old fast. I guess that's why I decided to start a blog. I've always thought about blogging but could never think of a topic that I felt like writing about time and time again.

   I am currently studying Software Engineering and will transfer to PSU this coming Fall. I have spent 2 years at Portland Community College taking all the Software Eng'g. classes I can as well as math and some other general education classes. I'm at the point now where I'm wondering if I have what it takes to get myself all the way. Its about this point that you begin to wonder if just getting a job and making money is the best way to go. It's quicker and simpler, and it just might pay the bills.

   Even though I find myself busy with school, and spending time with my wife, in the background I find my mind is continuously mulling over philosophical ideas as I drive from one place to another, lie in bed, or while listening to the radio. You might call this strange behavior "daydreaming". If that's what it is, I do it a lot. But I think daydreaming is too general. I prefer to think that I am processing, or sorting different ideas about the way things are and why different people see the world in the ways they do.

   So one day (today actually) I thought, wouldn't it be cool to put these thoughts on paper? E-paper if you like. Sometimes that's the best way to really get a grasp of different ideas. I do not claim to be a philosopher, an expert on religion, or a psychology genius, or any expert at all for that matter. But just because one does not have a doctorate does not mean that your ideas are pointless.

   So this is pretty much why I have decided to start a blog. My goal is to bring up ideas that cause people to think. My hope is to try to help myself and others realize that having an open mind will lead you to the truth about things like God, creation vs evolution, spirituality, metaphysics vs physics, rationality vs irrationality. There are many more and all of them involve venturing into areas that contain no evidence. No proof.  Nothing concrete that we can grasp. Science and Religion try desperately to gain footholds in an attempt to become an authority over these ideas, but I believe they fail.

    I plan on presenting ideas that may cause people to react in negative ways. My goal is not to convince anyone of anything. Anything can be argued by anyone to the n’th degree. People have their viewpoints that shall not be shaken. That is ok. My goal is, however, to challenge everyone to open their minds. Consider other possibilities even if it is just for the sake of momentary consideration. To close your mind to one idea will, in effect, cause you to shut out thousands of other valid possibilities.

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